Friday, February 18, 2011


I miss who perhaps was one of my closest friends. She stuck by me through some tough times in broken relationships and stood by my side if not sometimes on me during cancer treatment.
Mandy was a rather large breed of a dog, St. Bernard. However, no one could tell her that. She perceived herself to be a lap dog and in charge of my teenage daughter.
I miss the noisy mornings getting ready for work and my daughter for school. Mandy would chase down my daughter and "howl, talk and growl" at her as if to say, move faster, your not moving fast enough and I want to eat my breakfast and send you off to school! My daughter would consistently react to her friend telling her what to do as if two siblings were in a lengthy argument which no one ever seemed to win.
Mandy gave me allot of opportunities to take some great photographs and I will always miss my friend but at least I have some terrific stories shown in the form of a picture to remind me of her wonderful spirit.